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Arts and Crafts

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


F is for Family and Friends!

What would we do without them? We all need the love, care, the safety and security of home, or be with others we know we can trust.

Those who love you and care about you, will not only encourage, but also point out your flaws. Yeah, that may hurt at times, but they only do it because they love you. It gives you the opportunity to better yourself in the areas you are lacking or falling short. Not all that hurts is bad. :-)

The letter also reminds me of Fall. The beauty of all the colors displayed is just awesome! God is some artist, huh?!

link link link


Blogger audrey` said...

F is for flowers too =)
I'm a flower person (grin)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007 4:08:00 AM  
Blogger Corry said...

Yeah, I know, hehe.
Me too. I hope to plant some more soon in our yard. Frontyard that is. Mia won't leave them in the back yard. sigh.

Gotta love that dog to death, haha.

God's Grace.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007 5:10:00 AM  

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