
Friday, October 01, 2010

Enjoying A Great Meal

When it comes to cooking I don't see myself as being very good at it. I manage to come up with a concoction which is edible and taste-wise half way decent, but that is about it.

I did not have any cooking lessons, or attended a cooking school like professional chefs and maybe that contributes to the reason why I can truly admire and enjoy a delicious meal.

I can appreciate all the work, time, and effort being put in the preparation of a good dish. Yeah, they may have professional cookware to work with, but everything still has to be done under a lot of stress and pressure.

To fill our order on short notice, the patrons have to count on their suppliers coming through quickly. That is probably why they order wasserstrom restaurant supplies. It still remains a hectic situation and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

I rather sit down and eat! :-)

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