
Saturday, May 25, 2013

More About Vincent van Gogh's Life And Work

Vincent van Gogh continued his bad habits while living and working in Arles. He spent the money his brother sent him on paint and models instead of food and developed more addictions by sipping turpentine and eating paint.

Vincent and his brother Theo had befriended and worked with many well-known artists and Paul Gauguin was one of them. Vincent had moved into the Yellow House, hoping to also use it as a gallery, but Theo worried about Vincent and paid Paul Gauguin to watch over him.

Gauguin and Vincent had worked and lived together for about two months, when their friendship began to fail. They were practically constantly arguing and Gauguin's attitude towards him caused a lot of frustration on Vincent's part.

It all came to a head on December 23, 1888; Vincent came after Gauguin with a razor blade, but panicked, and ran to a local brothel where he cut of part of his left ear, wrapped it in newspaper, and gave it to a prostitute named Rachel with the words to "keep this object carefully".

Gauguin found Vincent unconscious at the Yellow House to which he had returned. Vincent's head was covered in blood and he was admitted to the hospital where he stayed for several days.

Gauguin withdrew from Vincent and cut off all contact, but notified Vincent's brother Theo who came to see Vincent on Christmas Day 1888.

Being released from the hospital on January 7, 1989, Vincent returned to the Yellow House. His physical and mental condition was poor and he suffered from hallucinations and delusions.

He went back and forth between his home and the hospital, painting at his house during the day and spending the night at the hospital.

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