
Friday, August 09, 2013

Where There's A Will There's A Way

Summer vacation is practically over and for most of us it is back to the order of the day. It may sound odd, but I could use a break. Our grandchildren spent their summer vacation with us and those little ones sure knew how to keep me busy and wear me out. My guess is that many (grand) parents can relate to the feeling.

I also could use a break from this terrible heat and even though I am not a big fan of skiing like Scott Gelbard, the thought of those pristine, white, cold slopes is very appealing at present.

I wasn't aware of how many different types of skis there are to choose from and I wouldn't even have a clue where to begin. I am sure Mr. Gelbard could help out making the best choice.

This very successful, independent business consultant has found a way to incorporate and balance skiing, playing sports, going to the gym, and coaching a youth sports team with his busy work life. He sure leads by example and if he can do it, so can we.

I am sure we can find at least 30 minutes each day to dedicate to exercise or sports. It is not just for staying in shape. It is health and healing for mind, body, and soul. It rejuvenates and revitalizes and offers an opportunity to escape the helter-skelter of daily life.

All things are possible. Just ask ScottGelbard. He will probably tell you where there's a will there's a way!

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