
Tuesday, February 04, 2014

The Snoopy Project

The wintry weather threw us for a loop last week and forced us to stay inside for a couple of days. It wasn't safe out there due to freezing rain and sleet, but I had enough craft projects on my list to keep me busy for a while.

Our oldest daughter had mentioned that one of her friends loved Snoopy. After having fabricated another clown bank, I thought I would give this famous Charlie Brown character a try.

It sure presented a challenge coming up with a way to crochet his little potbelly, the large nose and feet.

I managed to recreate all this by multiplying the amount of stitches in the designated areas for several rows, diminishing them later on, and stuffing his tummy and face with foam and polyester fibers.

It worked out much better then I had expected and I had tons of fun crafting this project, seeing it take shape and come to life so to speak before my eyes.

After Snoopy was finished, I decided to accessorize him with a cap and give him a flower in his hand to top it off.

I can't help but grin every time I see this Snoopy bank. Nope, I don't mind at all giving him away. There is more where this came from and I hope he will bring many smiles to the face of his new owner for a long time to come!

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