
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Crafting Projects

I just wanted to show off my latest project and after that I will no longer pester you with more of my bank creations. At least not for quite some time, because I have to catch up with the grandkids' scrapbooks and since I am way behind that will take me a while.

I finished the teddy bear and I am pleased with the results. It sure looks cute, although our grandson cleverly pointed out it had no fur.

I actually didn't intend to give it any since it looked well the way it turned out, but if I had plenty of yarn I may have taken it into consideration.

Who knows, it may well be that one day I decide to get around to it anyway. Nah, I don't think so; I like it as is.

There are still plenty of ideas for banks rolling around in my head. Even though I did start another one, it will have to be put on the side-burner.

Those scrapbooks don't create themselves, you know and I am actually looking forward to applying my imagination and creativity to them.

Another thing I am looking forward to is being amazed and awed by all the wonderful crafters out there and the projects they come up with and make every day!


  1. A Very Happy Birthday to Brother KC, Lieve Zus :)

  2. Audrey,
    Thank you so much, lieve zus. You are always on top of things and I can not tell you how highly it is appreciated! :-D

    God's Grace.
