
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Mystery Of Chinese Art

I don't like waiting and I suspect I am no exception to the rule. When I do have to bide my time, I try to make it as pleasurable as possible by looking at and admiring the works of art which are sprucing up the walls of the environment.

It so turns out that one of the physicians whom I visit regularly has a wide interest when it comes to art. I have encountered prints from paintings by Thomas Kinkade to flower compositions by an unknown artist to some gorgeous Chinese water colors.

The last one has captured my interest and piqued my curiosity. There is some writing on it in the Chinese language and I would love to know what it translates to in English. Unfortunately, I neither speak nor read Chinese and I don't know anyone who does.

It is just a trivial thing and will remain a mystery for now. That doesn't mean we have to be kept in the dark when it comes to matters of the utmost importance. There are some excellent translators in China who are more than happy to help us out.

Don't underestimate their services; an accurate translation can turn out to be crucial. It could mean the difference between success and failure. Practice makes perfect when it comes to arts, crafts, and many other things, but some matters are best left up to the experts!


  1. Who likes waiting? HaHa! Hi Lieve Zus! :)

  2. Audrey,
    I don't, but somehow it is inevidable. Grin.

    How are you, lieve zus?

    God's Grace.

  3. Me is fine (spoken in Singlish - Singapore English. HaHa!) I'm fine. I miss you, Lieve Zus (((HUGS))) How are you?

  4. Audrey,
    Miss you too, lieve zus. We are fine, but with the grandkids being over for Thanksgiving, meals to prepare and a house to clean, you can imagine we have our hands more then full.

    We are extremely thankful for all of it though. God is good!

    God's Grace.
