
Thursday, December 04, 2014

Intricate Lego Creations

Not too long ago I read about an artist who is touring the world with his exhibition of amazing creations all made out of Lego.

He made a career out of fabricating sculptures with these building blocks and has already 80 pieces to his name, among which are a 20 feet long dinosaur and an English phone boot to name a few.

Even though I had already posted about Lego art, I can't help but take another look at all the arty ideas and projects people come up with and I am not being let down by any means.

I was awed by this intricate and very detailed bouquet of flowers and it made me wonder how such a fragile creation could stay in one piece.

We are already having problems keeping a small car from falling apart. Maybe superglue is the solution?

How do you like this scaled-down replica of Mount Rushmore? I can not even begin to imagine how many blocks it took to finish this.

To be totally honest with you, I wouldn't even know where or how to begin to end up with such a perfect resemblance.

If I was to try and put something like this together, it would be a stumbling block!

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