
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Potato Art - Materials and Equipment

Potatoes are around all year long and you can have your pick at the grocery store or farmers market between all kinds of sizes and several colors.

Stamps are easily made and require just the use of a pairing knife and/or cookie cutter to outline the shape and form of the desired figure. By pushing a cookie cutter in to one half of a potato and cutting away the excess, you are ensured of a quick, easy and sharp outlined stamp which can be used many times.

Some tooth picks are needed for making figurines when using the entire potato and ink, marker or paint and brushes are needed if you like to give the potato an entirely new appearance.

There are some art projects for potatoes circulating on the Internet, but most of this craft is left to your own imagination and creativity. That shouldn't be so difficult and certainly is no reason to drop this hobby like a hot potato!

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