Good Night
Nite-nite time is one of the things I always look forward to. Noooo, not because our grand sons go to bed, even though the peace and quiet (when it occurs right away, haha) are nice for a change. It is because Lil' Kc makes the round and gives everyone a good night hug.
He usually starts with our oldest daughter, who is sitting in a chair, then it is my turn. Since I am on the couch with hubby, he has to pass by me to give Opa his hug and pass by me again, on the way back.
That suits me fine and I would not want it any other way. I always get a second hug!! :-D
He usually starts with our oldest daughter, who is sitting in a chair, then it is my turn. Since I am on the couch with hubby, he has to pass by me to give Opa his hug and pass by me again, on the way back.
That suits me fine and I would not want it any other way. I always get a second hug!! :-D

So sweet. He loves you most =)
He is a very loveable boy. :-)
God's Grace.
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