Tooth Art

You should look at it as tattoo art for teeth and crowns and it is not something you can do yourself; it usually is done by specialists and on rare occasions by a dentist.
The images are painted on the teeth and/or crowns using special Porcelain paints and Stains and if you get tired of it, they can be removed by the dentist. The removal only takes about 5 minutes and is painless; all it needs is a bit of grinding with a rubber wheel.

The decals consist of what looks like stickers and come with application instructions. The decals stay in place for about a day and are simple to take off, while the long lasting ones can stay up for about 2 months.
For a little sparkle in your smile you can choose tooth jewels. These come in singles or shapes and the latter can vary from letters, to Christmas trees, or even your own design.
Since they go on the teeth the same way orthodontic brackets do, they have to be placed and removed by the dentist. Both take but a few minutes and removal is not really necessary, unless you want to change the design. Normally, the jewels stay in place from 2 months to up to a year.
More information on tooth tattoo artists, decals and jewels can be found online. It may be something to sink your teeth in!

Hope you're feeling better now, Lieve Zus. Take care (((HUGS)))
Yes, I am. Thanks so much for your love and care!
God's Grace.
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