Tire Art

Most of us leave that up to a mechanic who also disposes of the old, worn out tires, but why not take those home and create some fantastic art with them?
Yes, there is plenty of gorgeous art made from tires and once you get the hang of it, you can probably find lots of parts for your project. You can go tire hunting down the Interstate; you will find plenty of busted tire part lying by the wayside. These 'road kills' can be just what you need and could do the trick for the project you may have in mind.

Cut in pieces and spray painted, they can turn in to wonderful wall art, planters, sculptures and whatever else your imagination can come up with.
Give it a go and I wouldn't be surprised if it would put a whole new spin on your perspective of an old tire!
See also:
Tire Art II
Tire Art - Materials and Equipment

My mother in law would love love this!!! I love her!!!!
Well, let her check it out. She might get some ideas for a project.
God bless you!
God's Grace.
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