Pipe Cleaner Art
I love those colorful pipe cleaners and several bags, which were given to me, have been sitting in my craft bin for years. I simply have no clue as to what to use them for. At one point I thought I may apply some as a collar for my crocheted clown bank. That didn't work out and back in the bin they went.
Yesterday, I came across some sculptures from Lauren Ryan and they blew me away. She creates all kinds of animals using nothing but.... yes, you guessed it, pipe cleaners.
What is even more incredible is the fact that she doesn't even use glue to hold her sculptures together. The pipe cleaners are intricately intertwined and bent into the desired shape.
Her fuzzy sculptures are a true inspiration, although I wouldn't recommend starting out with a project like this. After a search on the Internet, I found many pipe cleaner projects suitable for the aspiring artists among us.
These creations are more in my realm of expertise. They do require glue, some small pompoms and a wire cutter, but they can easily be fabricated by both young and old.
I also came across flowers and butterflies. The pipe cleaners were simply bent in the shape of petals or wings and attached together with hot glue.
These small projects are a good way getting the hang of it. Starting out with a sculpture like Lauren makes, might turn out to be a pipe dream!
Read More:
Pipe Cleaner Origin And Art.
Pipe Cleaner Holiday Crafts

What is even more incredible is the fact that she doesn't even use glue to hold her sculptures together. The pipe cleaners are intricately intertwined and bent into the desired shape.
Her fuzzy sculptures are a true inspiration, although I wouldn't recommend starting out with a project like this. After a search on the Internet, I found many pipe cleaner projects suitable for the aspiring artists among us.

I also came across flowers and butterflies. The pipe cleaners were simply bent in the shape of petals or wings and attached together with hot glue.
These small projects are a good way getting the hang of it. Starting out with a sculpture like Lauren makes, might turn out to be a pipe dream!
Read More:
Pipe Cleaner Origin And Art.
Pipe Cleaner Holiday Crafts

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