Scary Creations
This post brought to you by The Orkin Ecologist. All opinions are 100% mine.
Mother Nature is extremely creative when it comes to bugs. There are so many varieties and each have their own place and purpose. As far as I am concerned, this artist would do well to keep her 'projects' away from me. I don't like bugs and I sure don't want them in our home.
Even though I have an adversity against most of these creepy crawlers, it is quite interesting browsing through Orkin's "The Ecologist" site and learning about all kinds of insects and their function. What fascinated me most was that several of the world's scariest bugs are studied for medicinal purposes. How cool is that?
In spite of that fact, I am still convinced that the only good spider is a dead one. The creepiest one I have ever encountered was a huge, hairy, black spider. I don't jump on furniture for a mouse, but I sure had a #BugOut moment concerning this scary bug and sought refuge on the couch.
I am particularly antsy when it comes to black widows, because their bite can be deadly. Our uncle got bitten a while back and had he not gone to the doctor right away, he could have lost his hand or at least some of his fingers.
This picture was taken from The Orkin Ecologist site provides a wealth of information for both novice and experienced science lovers. You ought to check out this fantastic educational resource. It may give you a different perspective on insects.
I am most afraid of our home being invaded by bed bugs. Although these small insects don't pose a threat to us other then causing a rash and itching, they are extremely hard to get rid off. Read up on the source at
Check out the Orkin Ecologist on Facebook at and give them a 'thumbs up', and/or follow them on Pinterest at Maybe you like to share something on their board using #BugOut.
How about sharing one of your #BugOut moments in a comment on this post? Don't forget to include the tag #BugOut. I would like to have some confirmation I am not the only scared-y-cat when it comes to bugs!

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