About Marjolein Bastin

Ever since a child she loved nature and collecting things nature had to offer, pine cones, seeds etc. As soon as she could hold a pencil and paintbrush, she began to capture nature and her talent grew with her.
She studied at the Academy of Arts in Arnhem, Netherlands, where she met her husband (and manager), Gaston Bastin. Not long after completing her study, she was asked to do a one-page feature for the popular Dutch women's weekly Libelle. From then on Marjolein and her work became very popular.

country homes in Holland and in Missouri, near Hallmark's headquarters, as well a tropical retreat in the Cayman Islands. Each setting provides a unique glimpse of what nature has to offer throughout the world.
The couple has a son, Mischa, born in 1974 and who is a lawyer in Kansas City, USA, and a daughter, Sanna, born in 1973, and two grandchildren. Sanna runs the "Marjolein Bastin Kadowinkel" (The Marjolein Bastin Giftshop), located in Ede, Netherlands.
Her work for Libelle is still ongoing and she gained world wide recognition when a Hallmark designer discovered Marjolein's artwork while on a trip to Holland in the early 1990s, initiating a relationship that has spanned nearly 10 years.
See also my post:
Marjolein Bastin's Work.
Marjolein Bastin's Economical Impact

Dearest Lieve Zus
Good Morning, dearest Corry =)
Another talented artist from Netherlands.
A country full of creative and gifted people ^grin^
Good morning!!!! :-)
You betcha, hehe.
Nah, no more then other countries.:-)
God's Grace.
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