Halloween Craft Projects
There are a lot of edible craft ideas available online which you can fabricate and give to the trick-or-treaters who show up at your doorstep. I am not so keen on the ones that involve taking the candy out of its wrapper.
Most parents don't like the idea either when their offspring is handed un-wrapped candy. It doesn't mean you can't use it for craft projects. On the contrary; you can and this wreath is a wonderful example of creativity.
Leaving those crafts out of the equation has hardly any effect on the number of options and possibilities that are left.
I came across 4 black pipe cleaners folded around the stick of a lollypop in such a way that it looked like a spider, and small paper bat-wings glued on the back of candy bars.
The most fun however is when children can help decorate the house and yard for Halloween. There are so many easy, uncomplicated, and quick craft projects for them to do.
Those projects don't have to cost much. With a few Q-tips, some pieces of construction paper, a pair of scissors, glue, and black marker for drawing eyes and mouth, this skeleton is done in a jiffy.
How about giving the kids a permanent marker and let them draw a scary face on a pumpkin instead of having to carve it out?
It can't get any simpler and safer than that!
See more Halloween craft projects:
Some More Halloween Craft Projects
Tangible And Edible Halloween Art

Leaving those crafts out of the equation has hardly any effect on the number of options and possibilities that are left.
I came across 4 black pipe cleaners folded around the stick of a lollypop in such a way that it looked like a spider, and small paper bat-wings glued on the back of candy bars.

Those projects don't have to cost much. With a few Q-tips, some pieces of construction paper, a pair of scissors, glue, and black marker for drawing eyes and mouth, this skeleton is done in a jiffy.
How about giving the kids a permanent marker and let them draw a scary face on a pumpkin instead of having to carve it out?
It can't get any simpler and safer than that!
See more Halloween craft projects:
Some More Halloween Craft Projects
Tangible And Edible Halloween Art

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