About Max Velthuijs

Both his father and his mother were teachers. Max showed a great passion for drawing and cartoons at a young age and dreams of making cartoons. His parents disapprove of being an artist and send him to Trade school. Max didn't like it at all and left school to go to work.
During the war, the family was forced to move to Arnhem and Max was finally allowed to study at the Art Academy in Arnhem, but his study ended abruptly in 1944, by the Allied assault on Arnhem.

As a tall, sociable man, he was a keen chess player and a fine guitarist, loved jazz and cats.
In 2003 Max was diagnosed with lung-cancer. His physical decay went rapid, but his optimism never decreased. Max died at the respectable age of 81, on January 25th, 2005.
See also my posts:
Max Velthuijs' Work
Max Velthuijs' Economical Impact

Wow! Lieve Zus =)
Here is another talented person from Netherlands.
Yep, and many more will follow, hehe. I hope it's not getting boring.
God's Grace.
I'm looking forward to them.
It's great to learn new things =)
The next one is one of my favorites. I used to read her to my girls when they were little.
I bet I got your curiosity now, hahaha.
Oh I am so mean. grin.
God's Grace.
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