Shark Art

We are talking sharks here. I don't know what it is about these animals. Whether you are terrified or amazed by them, for some reason you just can't seem to turn away and have to watch them. As far as I am concerned that is fine, as long as it is on the screen and I am cradled in the safety of our home.
I am not surprised there is so much art involving and evolving around sharks. Paintings, posters, photos, and sidewalk art are most common. They are just the tip of the iceberg though. If you are fascinated with these predators, you may come across a few ideas to create some awesome projects with all kinds of materials.

This cake for instance is a great example of creativity and will appeal to almost everyone. It should give some sense of satisfaction being able to mix things up and to reverse the situation for a change.
You can sink your teeth in the shark, instead of the other way around!
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