Shark Art Ideas

If metal shears are among your craft tools, don't throw away your empty soda cans. Those are always great material for any craft or hobby. Be careful creating sharks out of them though; the teeth are just as sharp as the creature held up as the example.
Construction paper, paper mache, and (craft) foam, are safer and can easily be used by children as well. Since these materials are more pliable, they are great for details and can be used to create wall art, hats, or larger sculptures.

The whittlers among you may try their hand at carving sharks. I have come across some amazing wood carvings and you can make it as elaborate as you like.
A simple piece of plywood, old shelf, or remnants of previous wooden projects can already result in unique shark art. When using wood, a saw, nails, hammer, and paint would prove its worth.
You really don't have to dive deep into your imagination to come up with some great ideas. Just keep your mind and eyes open and they will find you!

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