PVC Art Materials

The main materials you will need are PVC of course, PVC glue, and a small saw for when you have to modify the length to fit into your project. All this is quickly found in a hardware store or online if you so desire.
From there on out, it is all left up to your ideas, imagination, and creativity. Should you lack inspiration, there are lots of craft ideas, projects, patterns, instructions, books, and examples for both grown-ups and children readily available online.

Another option is gluing fabric, photos, decorative paper, or other craft items like beads, yarn, silk flowers, etc. onto your project.
Cut a PVC pipein half length-wise, turn the halves to where the rounded sides are up and use those for a stand for sculptures or photo frames.
There are many more uses for arts and crafts and I sure would love to hear what you came up with!

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