Pyrography, also known as wood burning or poker-work, is where an image is burned in to the wood with a hot device. The device is also referred to as a poker, hence the name 'poker-work'.
The literal translation of Pyrography is 'writing with fire'. I personally like to think of it as a legitimate way of letting out part of the pyromaniac in in us, haha.

This art has been around since the beginning of mankind. It was very popular among the Egyptians and different African tribes and is a traditional folk art in many European countries like Romania and Hungary. It can also be found in other countries around the world like Argentina in South America for example.

Even though Pyrography art is mainly done on wood, leather and gourds are other materials which lend themselves very well for this form of art. No matter what material you use to create your work on, the outcome is absolutely stunning.
Just be careful when you start out with this art; you don't want your work to go up in smoke! :-)
See also:
Pyrography Art II
Pyrography Art - Materials And Tools
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