Pyrography Art - Materials And Tools

Tools with a solid point do offer a variety of tip shapes and can also be used for burning wood or leather. Wire-point machines allow the artist to shape the wire into a variety of shapes as to create either broad marks or fine lines.

Kits can easily be found online and many even include a full step by step instruction manual, a piece of select wood, a pattern and graphite transfer paper and even a piece of 400 grit sandpaper.

The same tools and techniques can be used on leather. This material lends itself very well for bold designs and very subtle shading can be achieved. When burning leather, make sure to use special vegetable-tanned leather. The modern tanning methods leave chemicals in the leather which are toxic when burned!
Books on how to start and improve the art can be found in craft- and hobby stores, as well as online. You can also attend workshops and the Internet can provide you with locations near you where those are being held.
Workshops on DVD are a great alternative if you are unable to leave home, or don't like to burn rubber.

Great post. Thanks for the info....and I love that horse art. I always seem to have trouble with hair and fur in anything that I draw; and I haven't even attempted to burn anything that detailed yet!
Keep trying. Practice makes perfect!! :-)
God's Grace.
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