Drum Stick Art

No, I am not talking about the kind you eat, although those would also suit the purpose of deriving those primal sounds from the well-known musical instruments. I am talking about the actual wooden sticks drummers use.
I was sorely disappointed seeing how little there was. I had at least expected to find clocks and bird housed created with them or intricate sculptures carved out of them.
Considering the fact that people carve figurines out of a tiny, single grain of rice, I wouldn't say I had set my expectations too high, would you?
What I did find were mostly delicately painted and customized drum sticks. Don't get me wrong; that is very artistic as well and does take skill, patience, and a steady hand.

So, I have an assignment for you; let your imagination run wild and come up with an arty project with drum sticks.
There is no doubt in my mind some gorgeous creations will sprout from your mind and when it does, share it. Inquiring minds want to know.
You can also look at it as a challenge to march to the beat of a different drummer!
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