The History Of PVC

That is nothing new though. As a matter of fact, throughout history alchemists have mixed and matched, trying to come up with new materials. And with success I may add.
PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) is one of those materials that were discovered by accident. It is not only the oldest synthetic material that has been invented, but also has the longest history where industrial production is concerned.
The first, accidental discovery of PVC took place in 1838 by the French physicist and chemist Henri Victor Regnault. The second one occurred in 1872 in Germany by Eugen Baumann. Both found a white solid, which was left behind inside flasks being left out in the sun, after discovering vinyl chloride gas.
The material was brittle and hard to work with and no applications for it were found, until 1913, when German inventor Friedrich Heinrich August Klatte came up with a method using polymerization of vinyl chloride with sunlight and he patented PVC.

Production picked up during the 1950's and more uses for it became apparent. Refining the method increased durability, and also its chemical, light, heat, and corrosion resistance. This made it extremely suitable for all kinds of applications in the construction industry.
Nowadays, due to its many applications, durability, and cost-effectiveness, PVC is the third largest-selling plastic material in the world and can be found almost everywhere. From health care to IT to apparel and more, PVC has been replacing rubber in many industries.
And now, other applications have been added: arts, hobbies, and crafts!

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