About Ray Villafane, Part 2

He married Tamara Schmidt in 2003 and established a family. Five children later and not enough income to support his family, Ray began to supplement his pay-check by offering his carving talents to hotels and restaurants during the fall.
He discovered his love for sculpting and, supported and encouraged by his wife, worked as a part time, freelance sculptor in addition to teaching in 2004. After contacting and visiting a friend and former classmate who turned out to be a sculptor for Disney, he began making sculptures in clay and wax.
His first “practice” sculpture became also his first professional sculpture and established his name in other artistic areas around the world. His talent and sudden success allowed him to quit teaching in 2006 and dedicate all his time to his passion: sculpting.
At present, Ray and Tamara have 7 children and their two youngest sons, 5 and 7 years old, developed the same love for carving pumpkins as their dad. Hopefully, they did not inherit his allergy to pumpkins.
Yes, this master pumpkin carver's skin and eyes get real itchy after carving a pumpkin for several days!

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