More Hay Bale Creations
I always enjoy seeing all those hay bales scattered throughout a meadow or pasture. It gives me feelings of comfort, peace and serenity. I suppose those go hand in hand and/or are associated with some of my heritage since both of my grandfathers were farmers.
I can't help it though; for some reason those painted hay bales seem totally out of place. I do love the artistic aspect of it, so don't get me wrong. It is just that it doesn't seem to fit in with the natural environment.
I have no problem with them when I see them by the side of the road or in front of a building. It may just be a matter of adjusting my perception. After all; art is art, no matter where and how it is displayed.
When you decide to take on a larger project it would be good to engage several people to help out and some heavy equipment may come in handy as well.
Painting the hay bales can easily be done by one person. Spray paint is probable the route to go and maybe the kind that is not bad for the digestive system.
After all, it is the cow's food and we sure don't want to end up with colored milk!

I have no problem with them when I see them by the side of the road or in front of a building. It may just be a matter of adjusting my perception. After all; art is art, no matter where and how it is displayed.

Painting the hay bales can easily be done by one person. Spray paint is probable the route to go and maybe the kind that is not bad for the digestive system.
After all, it is the cow's food and we sure don't want to end up with colored milk!

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