I am having problems with this letter. Not that I can't come up with any, I come up with too many. Idea, Ink, Injection, Interesting, Intervention, Irresponsibility, Irritation, Insane, and many more.
I just don't seem to have any first thoughts connected to any of them. I actually had to sit down and really get my brain in gear to think about a word starting with this letter. As you just read, I came up with many, but none jumped out.
Maybe I am too self-centered, because I use the pronoun I very much. "I" guess "I" do associate something with it, huh! Don't know if that's good, haha.
I just don't seem to have any first thoughts connected to any of them. I actually had to sit down and really get my brain in gear to think about a word starting with this letter. As you just read, I came up with many, but none jumped out.
Maybe I am too self-centered, because I use the pronoun I very much. "I" guess "I" do associate something with it, huh! Don't know if that's good, haha.

I is for Isabelle, ideal, intelligent, idyllic... ^grin^
Wow, maybe I should let you do the rest, those are really good!
Say "Hi" to the first one, hehe.
Hope she is not getting as cheeky as her mom. haha
God's Grace.
Dearest Lieve Zus
Nah... You're so much better, Corry dear.
Bel says "Hi Auntie Corry!"
Who is cheekier?
This is a good question ^grin^
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