Stands for Encouragement. That is something we all need from time to time. Yes, a hug is nice, so is sympathy and compassion. But a true friend who really listens and cares about you, will also be encouraging.
What is encouragement actually? Hope! Hope gives life and being encouraged, you have all you need to go on, with a positive attitude. So next time when one of your loved ones or friends is down, try to show them where the hope is.
The Emotional Effect of Encouragement is an Enhancement to Every body's Existence!
Some more "E"-words that tumbled through my brain while thinking about this letter. :-)
What is encouragement actually? Hope! Hope gives life and being encouraged, you have all you need to go on, with a positive attitude. So next time when one of your loved ones or friends is down, try to show them where the hope is.
The Emotional Effect of Encouragement is an Enhancement to Every body's Existence!
Some more "E"-words that tumbled through my brain while thinking about this letter. :-)

Dearest Lieve Zus
Excellent post by extraordinary Corry!!!
HeHe =)
Smarty Pants!!! grin.
Luv ya.
God's Grace.
I'm following the leader here.
Luv ya too, Lieve Zus =)
And I merely use what The Leader gave me. :-)
God's Grace.
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