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Arts and Crafts

Friday, June 25, 2010

Pavement Art - Materials and Equipment

The main thing you need for this hobby is chalk. This is available in many colors and is not hard to come by. It can easily be purchased in department and craft stores. I read many sidewalk artists also like to use brushes and some cloth to even out the chalk and blend the colors.

Of course you will need your 'canvas'; a part of the sidewalk. I am not sure whether you can simply sit down somewhere and start drawing or have to ask permission from either the city or the business owners. It might be worth checking in to.

I found several workshops, lessons and instructions in pastel drawings being offered. I am guessing you need to learn the basics first before taking it to the next level. That makes sense; if you know how to do it on paper, then you can just as easily do it on concrete.

Be sure to choose a nice, rain free day when planning for some sidewalk art, otherwise your creation is not long lived. It would be a pity if it went down the drain before it was even done!

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