An Artistic Plan To Shed Pounds
This post brought to you by Slim-Fast. All opinions are 100% mine.
Trying to shed some extra pounds is not easy and from experience I know that when the cravings set in, it takes an enormous amount of self control not to reach for the sweet and/or fatty foods and snacks.
Even when being able to abstain from those weight gainers, the Holidays are often devastating. There is too much excellent food brought to the table and we find out after the fact that we ate a little too much.
It doesn't have to be that way; it is easy to incorporate the Slim-Fast 3•2•1 Plan even during the Holidays and kick hunger to the curb, while still participating in the family dinner.
Here is how it works: Eat 3 nourishing, Slim-Fast 100-calorie fruit, nuts or veggie snack bars a day to keep hunger at bay between meals. Replace 2 meals per day with a well balanced, nutritious, up to four hour hunger controlling Slim-Fast Shake or Meal Bars per day, and eat 1 Balanced Meal a day.
The best way to determine the last is by filling half your plate with veggies, a quarter with protein, and a quarter with whole grains.
The shakes are new and quite delicious. I got the Strawberries N’ Cream, but those 10 grams of protein, five grams of fiber and 24 essential vitamins and minerals also come in Creamy Milk Chocolate, French Vanilla, Rich Chocolate Royale and Cappuccino Delight flavor.
They are easy to take with you in your purse, glove compartment, or pocket of your jacket and can be bought in the pharmacy sections of grocers and retailers nationwide, such as Wal-Mart, Target, Safeway, Kroger and online at and the Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Store on Facebook.
Speaking of which; check it out yourself and hit the 'Like' button on their Facebook page. Resorting to Slim-Fast is rewarding, in more then one way!

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