Critter's Cooings III
Scared ya??? No?? Ok, I will try harder next time! grin.

Well, have I got news for you! I am going to be a big brother! :-D Noooo, not that tv-show, for real! My mommy is going to have another baby. It's due on February 25th. I am not sure what "due" means. I suppose if it's not there by then, they are coming to get it? Hmmmm.... odd, how can you come and get it, when it's not there? Oh well, I suppose it's going to be alright.
Anyway, I just needed to share this and I wanted to ask you to pray for my mommy and our new baby, that all may go well. And of course for Daddy too, might be tough on him having two cooing critters around. Maybe not as long as we are cooing, hahaha.
Opa and Oma are thrilled and thankful, although Oma suspects both of us are going to hog her computer from time to time and bug y'all with our ramblings. Honestly, I think she only minds having to wipe off her puter, cause that watery mouth of mine just ain't stopping yet. By the time mine has, my sibling's will take over, hehe.
I am looking forward to the new baby. I don't think I mind whether it's a brother or a sister. All I will say to our new baby is this:
"Big brother is watching you!!!. " Grin.

Oma's Grandson is so cute and adorable =)
He is getting cuter and more mischievious by the day! :-D
I love it, haha.
God's Grace.
I love him too =)
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