I came across a post that was very interesting and my thanks to that person for allowing me to post this on here:-)
It concerns the healing power of water. Yeah, my eye-brows raised as well, haha. It definitely aroused my curiosity!
" Masaru Emoto : The Hidden Messages in Water and The True Power of Water,
After freezing water that is talked to nicely, immersed in beautiful music, or surrounded by written kind words, the crystals form beautifully and well. When water is talked badly too, immersed in very loud, obnoxious music, shown pictures of devastated land, or surrounded by written unkind words, the crystals do not form, or if they form they are deformed, incomplete, or very non-symmetrical.
Furthermore, he thinks that it's not so much the words and music, but the thoughts and feelings that are projected onto the water that make the difference.
He also shows that modern electronic devices (TV's, cell phone, microwaves, computers, etc.) have the same effect on water as negative thoughts/emotions: they render it incapable of producing crystals.
Finally, he shows that chemicals added to water to clean it (such as in cities) also drastically reduce water's ability to form the beautiful ice crystals, but that water from natural sources (waterfalls, rivers, lakes, etc.) that have not been inundated with chemicals or sewage readily forms ice crystals.
He postulates that our thoughts & emotions resonate on particular frequencies, and that those frequencies can be transmitted to water - the water then responds to what we are projecting.
It's interesting to note that one of the case studies he talks about is where a Buddhist priest said a cleansing prayer over a reservoir. Water samples were taken both before and after the prayer: before the prayer water crystals would not form, but after the prayer some of the most beautiful crystals he'd ever seen had formed."
" F. Barmanghelidj, M.D :Water: for Health, for Healing, for Life.
He states that many diseases and disorders suffered by people come from a lack of water - a condition of chronic dehydration that most people live with. Many common ailments (heartburn, fatigue, stress, headaches, lower back pain, constipation, etc.) and even major diseases (cancer, autoimmune cases, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.) would be due to a lack of water flowing through the body and retained by the body. By the time we "feel" thirsty our bodies have already entered a mild stage of dehydration: if we wait until we are thirsty to drink a glass of water we would already be to late.
He further states that as we age we start to lose the ability to distinguish water thirst - and that many people mistake water thirst for hunger pains and then eat more to try and quench their thirst.
He recommends drinking at least 8 ounces of water upon rising, 8 ounces about 30 minutes before you eat, and at least 8 ounces about an hour and a half after you eat. That works out to at least seven 8-ounce servings of water a day.
He recommends cutting out all drinks with caffeine (because it is a diuretic which causes the body to lose more water then is put in), and increasing the intake of salt as the intake of water is increased (to help promote healthy water retention where needed in the body)."
The results starting this are amazing! It worked for the minor (and not so minor) ailments they were experiencing.
After reading this, I have to admit, it definitely is worth trying. Taking in more water, like described above, can not harm (unless using the bathroom more frequently then usual is, haha).
It concerns the healing power of water. Yeah, my eye-brows raised as well, haha. It definitely aroused my curiosity!
" Masaru Emoto : The Hidden Messages in Water and The True Power of Water,
After freezing water that is talked to nicely, immersed in beautiful music, or surrounded by written kind words, the crystals form beautifully and well. When water is talked badly too, immersed in very loud, obnoxious music, shown pictures of devastated land, or surrounded by written unkind words, the crystals do not form, or if they form they are deformed, incomplete, or very non-symmetrical.
Furthermore, he thinks that it's not so much the words and music, but the thoughts and feelings that are projected onto the water that make the difference.
He also shows that modern electronic devices (TV's, cell phone, microwaves, computers, etc.) have the same effect on water as negative thoughts/emotions: they render it incapable of producing crystals.
Finally, he shows that chemicals added to water to clean it (such as in cities) also drastically reduce water's ability to form the beautiful ice crystals, but that water from natural sources (waterfalls, rivers, lakes, etc.) that have not been inundated with chemicals or sewage readily forms ice crystals.
He postulates that our thoughts & emotions resonate on particular frequencies, and that those frequencies can be transmitted to water - the water then responds to what we are projecting.
It's interesting to note that one of the case studies he talks about is where a Buddhist priest said a cleansing prayer over a reservoir. Water samples were taken both before and after the prayer: before the prayer water crystals would not form, but after the prayer some of the most beautiful crystals he'd ever seen had formed."
" F. Barmanghelidj, M.D :Water: for Health, for Healing, for Life.
He states that many diseases and disorders suffered by people come from a lack of water - a condition of chronic dehydration that most people live with. Many common ailments (heartburn, fatigue, stress, headaches, lower back pain, constipation, etc.) and even major diseases (cancer, autoimmune cases, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.) would be due to a lack of water flowing through the body and retained by the body. By the time we "feel" thirsty our bodies have already entered a mild stage of dehydration: if we wait until we are thirsty to drink a glass of water we would already be to late.
He further states that as we age we start to lose the ability to distinguish water thirst - and that many people mistake water thirst for hunger pains and then eat more to try and quench their thirst.
He recommends drinking at least 8 ounces of water upon rising, 8 ounces about 30 minutes before you eat, and at least 8 ounces about an hour and a half after you eat. That works out to at least seven 8-ounce servings of water a day.
He recommends cutting out all drinks with caffeine (because it is a diuretic which causes the body to lose more water then is put in), and increasing the intake of salt as the intake of water is increased (to help promote healthy water retention where needed in the body)."
The results starting this are amazing! It worked for the minor (and not so minor) ailments they were experiencing.
After reading this, I have to admit, it definitely is worth trying. Taking in more water, like described above, can not harm (unless using the bathroom more frequently then usual is, haha).

Dearest Lieve Zus
Water... I prefer plain lukewarm water.
How about you, Corry?
I love plain cold water. Our water tastes too much like chlorine though and I don't drink it plain so much anymore. We add a fruit flavor to it. :-)
God's Grace.
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