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Arts and Crafts

Monday, December 03, 2007


Rest and Relaxation.

After running the roads of life, dealing with and facing problems, trying to come up with solutions, it's good to be able to relax. The rest is needed to recharge mentally, emotionally and physically. All to be able to walk the road of life again. Seems like cycle, huh!

I don't think we can rest if we are unable to relax. We each have our own way of relaxing. Some like to read, watch TV, or divert the mind with a hobby. Personally I like to draw or craft. Others like to work out, which can be a hobby as well of course. Either way, we work to have life, not live to work!

Have a peaceful, relaxing and restful day! :-)

link link link


Blogger audrey` said...

Dearest Lieve Zus

Have a peaceful, relaxing and restful night =)
Good Night, Corry.

Monday, December 03, 2007 8:39:00 PM  
Blogger Corry said...

Thank you so much, I did. I hope you had the same!


God's Grace.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007 7:49:00 AM  

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