Cruising The World
I didn't think I would have sea-legs. The sight of all that water around tends to make me kind of nervous and dizzy. But those huge cruise ships I probably would not have any problems with. It is like a separate small world out on the ocean. Very safe and secure. I would not even notice I was out on the water, unless I would be standing at the railing.

There are so many different ships available to take a cruise. Each cruise line has their own advantages and passenger policies, but all are focused on making the stay as pleasurable as possible.

Norwegian Cruise Lines for instance, has a crew-member for practically every cabin. You would be waited on hand and foot. They also give you the option to make some excursions before and/or after the cruise and their bargains are one of the best you can get.
The Royal Caribbean Line is more intend on activity and offers a wide variety of entertainment on their ships. The excursions are more exciting and unique and this cruise line would be an excellent choice for the explorers amongst you.
At Princess Cruises, the approach is a little different from the others. Before booking the vacation, you can express you preferences, choose the cabin you would like, and eat whenever and whatever you want. The kitchen is always open.
I don't think it matters much which cruise line you end up with. They all will make your vacation unforgettable, relaxing and exciting. Isn't that what vacation should be all about?! :-)

Holidays on cruise...
Sounds interesting =)
Sure does!
Holiday at our place sounds good too, hehe. Hint, hint!
God's Grace.
Happy Mother's andGrandmother's Day, Lieve Zus =)
Your "hint hint" is so generous and warm =)))
So what's keeping you??? :-D
God's Grace.
Dearest Corry
How is your cold now?
Please take care.
(((HUGS))) Lieve Zus =)
It is ok, but my side is hurting really bad at the same place as before. Don't know whether it's my rib or a muscle. I suspect the last. Ibuprofen is working though and this too shall pass, hehe.
God's Grace.
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