Missing In Action

She is always in for play and comes running up as soon as we come outside. Until yesterday afternoon. We came outside, no Mia. We called her, no Mia. Her food of the night before was untouched, which is totally against her grain. She always wolves it down, no matter how often we feed her. Uh oh, something is wrong here.
The first place we looked was under our storage building. Even though she has a dog-house, she always crawls under the building and since we had a bad thunderstorm, we expected to find her there. Not! Mia was MIA (missing in action). She had disappeared from the yard.
We got in the van and drove around to see if we could find her. Upon returning home, daughter was waiting at us in the yard with... Mia. She drove the opposite direction and found her laying under a truck. We all were grateful and glad she was back safe and sound.
How she got out is beyond us. Our yard is completely fenced in. The gate was closed and there are no holes underneath, she could have crawled through. It's highly unlikely she jumped the fence since she is way too scared to even go through the gate when it's open. For her that is a magical line she does not dare to cross.
Whatever happened, we hope it won't happen again. For all we know, it already may have happened. We will know in a few months or so.

Mia is MIA (Missing In Action).
You put it so accurately =)
I wished she would leave us a note where to find her though.
God's Grace.
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