Even though it does not show well in the picture, this delicate work of match sticks stands about 3 feet tall and is several feet wide. It is from match stick artist Patrick Acton, who has made many more of these magnificent creations.

You don't really need much for this type of art. Some good glue and match sticks of course. Lots of match sticks!
The prison, or folk art is probably the easiest form to start with. It may take a little more experience, to create figurines, or objects, like this tiger and Ferris wheel.

Although, that does not necessarily have to be the case. If you rather like to do that, there are many excellent hobby kits available. If you can not find them in a store, check online. I found several and also noticed, that one can order match stick refills.
Try this form of art sometime. Who knows, it may turn out to be a perfect match! :-)
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Thanks for the visit. I hope you have a hapi day as well.
Thanks for the info.
God's Grace.
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