Wood Art - Whittling Supplies
For whittling you don't need much, just a knife. Most people use a pocket knife, since that is easy to carry around. The only requirement they have is, that if fits well in their hand and is sharp.
There are special whittling knives available. Those usually come unsharpened, which means you would have to have a sharpening block and a strop to hone the blade. That is, if you want to do it yourself.
It is recommended. It saves time and money and you can sharpen it to the extend you feel comfortable with. Of course you can buy a whittling starter kit, which includes all of the above. Another thing, I personally would advise you, is to get a finger, or thumb protector. That might save you a lot of grieve.
If you are new to whittling and don't know how to start, there are all kinds of books available. Do a search online and you can find lots of tips, tricks and even free patterns to start with.
Some woods are softer and easier to work with. You may want to try different types, to see which one you like best. If it does not work out the first time, don't despair. Practice makes perfect. :-)

Some woods are softer and easier to work with. You may want to try different types, to see which one you like best. If it does not work out the first time, don't despair. Practice makes perfect. :-)

It takes a lot of skill and patience to master this. The end result is worth it =) I had observed a Japanese man created an owl from a block of wood.
Wow, that must have been so fascinating to watch! I think I could observe that from beginning to end.
God's Grace.
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