Towel Art - Materials
I would probably use different colors for different creations; brown for a monkey, grey for an elephant, green for a turtle etc. Since the towels come in all these gorgeous colors these days, that would make it even more interesting.

Books on Towel Art, or Towel Origami as it is also called, can be found in craft stores and online.
Washing towels may turn out to be a joyful occasion and you may be even looking forward to folding laundry for a change! :-)

Before I watched a movie in one of your blogs and after that I wanted to watch more of these movies. And I found them in, I also tried the dog and it is fun. It is not very hard to do as well.
Thanks so much for the link. I checked it out and it gives good explanations on how to do it.
I intend to try it as soon as my grandsons will let me. They may enjoy the outcome and want to play with it.
God's Grace.
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