The Art To Outsmart
When our oldest grandson started crawling around, we baby proofed anything he could get to. When he started walking, we made sure anything else he could get in and/or reach was either safe or locked.
Even the refrigerator did not escape our baby proofing because the little guy would pull it open, grab whatever looked appealing to him, take off and eat it. I am grateful he went for the fruit and nothing uncooked.
As he grew older and taller, he could reach door knobs and had no problem unlocking or even locking doors. By that time, his younger brother covered all the grounds his big brother had already left behind.
Yesterday, they came by for a visit and I found out that the Child Safety Locks presented no problem to our now three year old grandson. Before I knew it, he had unlocked the fridge and, upon my question what he was doing, answered loud and clear: "Eat!"
I am not very comfortable with the fact that he can open those locks. When they stay the night, I like to go to sleep with the knowledge that everyone is safe and will still be there in the morning. It is time for more drastic measures.
I will see what I can find on the site of KidSafe concerning child safety tips. They provide good information, tips and all kinds of safety products, keeping our little rug rats and toddlers out of danger. They can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.
At present, the art is to outsmart our little smarty-pants!
Even the refrigerator did not escape our baby proofing because the little guy would pull it open, grab whatever looked appealing to him, take off and eat it. I am grateful he went for the fruit and nothing uncooked.
As he grew older and taller, he could reach door knobs and had no problem unlocking or even locking doors. By that time, his younger brother covered all the grounds his big brother had already left behind.
Yesterday, they came by for a visit and I found out that the Child Safety Locks presented no problem to our now three year old grandson. Before I knew it, he had unlocked the fridge and, upon my question what he was doing, answered loud and clear: "Eat!"
I am not very comfortable with the fact that he can open those locks. When they stay the night, I like to go to sleep with the knowledge that everyone is safe and will still be there in the morning. It is time for more drastic measures.
I will see what I can find on the site of KidSafe concerning child safety tips. They provide good information, tips and all kinds of safety products, keeping our little rug rats and toddlers out of danger. They can also be found on Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.
At present, the art is to outsmart our little smarty-pants!

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