More Bottle Art

These bottles are no taller then 2 inches and were previously filled with Tabasco sauce. The opening is just wide enough to push peppercorns through. By using different colors of peppercorns it creates a cute effect and is great for spicing up a window sill or shelf in the kitchen.
They are also nice gifts for someone who loves to cook and any craft practicing person will appreciate this gift when filled with tiny beads, colored sand or itsy bitsy sea shells. Just now, I was considering if there are nails, screws, nuts and bolts around small enough to fit through. That would make a perfect gift for a handyman/woman.
I like to use vinegar to fill up the bottles because it keeps the colors from fading and in this case it can actually be used as a spicy dressing.
A tip from Yours Truly: do not yet close the bottles permanently after filling them with peppercorns and vinegar. The peppercorns have the tendency to soak up the fluid and you may need to add more.
Let them sit for about 24 hours, refill them and then you can finish them the way you had in mind.
It is a simple project which hardly costs anything!

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