Lifting Art
Our storage building has been on the verge of bursting at the seams when a huge burden finally got lifted of its foundation yesterday. Our youngest daughter got almost all her furniture and the gazillion boxes of her belongings out of it.
That was not an easy task; some things were rather heavy and the only lift equipment available was her physical strength. In spite of having to move it from building to car in the already high temperature, she got the majority done.
Poor thing; I would not be surprised if she is sore all over. She sure could have used one of those lift trucks as can be purchased in and around Texas for the Material Handling Industry. It would have saved her so much time and effort and hauling all that stuff around would not have ended up being such a pain in the neck.
I think a jlg lift might have been too large, but a small forklift would have been ideal for this enterprise. It is much more enjoyable to get the job done without having to lift a finger; that is what the equipment is for.
We were thankful she had someone to help her the first day. No, it was not us; healthwise we both are under the weather. We supervised and I although I hate admitting it: I loved doing that! Grin.
That was not an easy task; some things were rather heavy and the only lift equipment available was her physical strength. In spite of having to move it from building to car in the already high temperature, she got the majority done.
Poor thing; I would not be surprised if she is sore all over. She sure could have used one of those lift trucks as can be purchased in and around Texas for the Material Handling Industry. It would have saved her so much time and effort and hauling all that stuff around would not have ended up being such a pain in the neck.
I think a jlg lift might have been too large, but a small forklift would have been ideal for this enterprise. It is much more enjoyable to get the job done without having to lift a finger; that is what the equipment is for.
We were thankful she had someone to help her the first day. No, it was not us; healthwise we both are under the weather. We supervised and I although I hate admitting it: I loved doing that! Grin.

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