Pumpkins come in all kinds of sizes and your choice of pumpkin depends mostly on how large you want your carving to be. It should at least be large enough to hold a tealight inside, to highlight your artwork and for the desired, creepy effect.
They can be purchased almost anywhere around this time of year and if you had the patience, you may even have grown some yourself.

The tools for carving are easily bought as well. They range from simple beginners carving sets to extensive professional ones. Many even use drills and wood carving tools to cut out their designs, but good sharp steak and other kitchen knives cut the mustard, ... ehh, pumpkin, as well.

Since not all of us are gifted with either the creativity nor the ability to be arty, it is nice knowing there are pumpkin carving stencils available, as well as instruction books, lessons and workshops.
You can also decorate with paint, yarn and whatever else sparks an idea and the pumpkin decorating kits are a quick fix.
Whatever option you choose, even if something goes wrong and your project ends up looking funny, strange, or weird, then you achieved the goal after all!
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