Horseshoe Art II

Early on in ancient Asia, the hoofs were wrapped in rawhide, leather or other materials. The earliest records which could be taken as a reference to metal horseshoes dates back to 632 AD, where mention was made in the Koran of "war-horses… which strike fire, by dashing their hoofs against the stones."
Archaeological finds show that the Romans already used some sort of sandal to protect the horse's feet, but the first nailed on iron horseshoe was found in a tomb of a Frankish King at Tournai, Belgium and is said to be from the 5th century A.D.

By the 13th century, they were made in large numbers and could even be bought ready- made. In the 16th century the art of being a blacksmith was a thriving business, due to the great demand for horseshoes. A horseshoe manufacturing machine came out in 1835 and was patented by Henry Burden.
And now you know the rest of the story! :-)

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