Toothpaste Art - Materials and Equipment

An online search will already provide you with many different shades and if that is not enough, try the Splat homepage which I discovered; you will find lots of colored toothpaste there with which you can mix any other colors you may want.
You will not need much other equipment; paper or canvas, paint brushes, a palette or a plate for mixing the colors is already enough to get you started. I would recommend a damp cloth for covering your art when other obligations are calling you away from your art, preventing it from drying out and cracking.
Should you want to make a sculpture, I suspect any materials and equipment you would use for working with clay would come in handy. It will take a little longer sculpting a figurine, because the toothpaste may have to dry a bit before you can achieve the details you are after.
Here is another possibility; stack an amount of toothpaste as high as you want your figurine to be and let it dry thoroughly. Once it is dry, you can use sand paper and/or hobby knives to sculpt your project.
I wouldn't be surprised if the result will take your breath away!

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