Footwear has been put to good use thousands of years ago and although there is no exact date of when any form of shoestrings or shoelaces came in to existence, archeological finds show that around 3500 BC there was already some type of shoe which was tied to the foot by a leather string, but shoes found of a later date were fastened by a lime bark one.
The ancient Greeks used rawhide laces for their sandals and the use of shoes and hence shoelaces were spread throughout Western Europe by Roman soldiers.

Most of the shoes however applied buttons or buckles to keep them in place and it took until the 20th century before shoelaces gained popularity. According to historical records, the shoestring as we know it today was supposedly invented in England in the year 1790.
Nowadays, the choice in shoelaces is enormous and not just where it concerns colors, but length and shape as well. Round, flat, wide or small, every shoestring can be used for hobbies and crafts.
Just try it and if the shoe fits, there is a string for that!
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