A Wonderful Hobby With Stunning Results
This post brought to you by Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done.. All opinions are 100% mine.
If you have tried applying your artistic abilities to your yard, but haven't been successful so far then you need to visit www.digdropdone.com to learn more on how best to achieve your goal.
The many hints, tips, and ideas you will find here, will quickly teach you how simple bulbs are to grow and can transform both your yard and your interior in a colorful work of art.
I found some very helpful tips pertaining to keeping squirrels from eating the flower bulbs I would plant, given by Evelyn who is an empty nester just like me and finally has enough time on her hands to dedicate to her yard.
After a couple of attempts, I gave up, but since bulbs are very easy to grow, both in and outside and lend themselves very well for all kinds of arty gifts and unique decorations which can be created by the entire family, I am excited to give it another try.
There is an excellent planting guide which can be found at Curbside Chaos and this Garden Guru Tool will tell you in no time what bulbs thrive well in your area, when to plant them and how.
You should go there and also enter the contest from “Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done.” which will end at 11:59 p.m. EST on April 15, 2012, in order to win a $5,000 yard makeover and a visit from Taniya Nayak (@TaniyaNayak on Twitter) who will give you tips on the best way to spruce up yard by incorporating flower bulbs into your landscape.
All it takes is uploading a photo of your yard CurbsideChaos.com and don't forget to share "Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done." on Twitter; each tweet will result in a $1.00 donation to Rebuilding Together which is the nation’s leading nonprofit, working to preserve affordable home-ownership and revitalize communities.
Anyone can create art with flower bulbs; it is a simple and wonderful hobby with stunning results!

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