Phone Book Art - Materials and Equipment

Different projects demand different materials, but it would be safe to assume you will need glue. I would suspect that wall paper glue might do the trick and would be easier and quicker to apply in case you are contemplating on using the books for sculptures and have a lot of cutting to do.

One thing I found was that you might need a small electric saw for the rough work. Details are probably best done with a hobby or carving knife. I don't think scissors will cut the mustard, but you can always give it a try.
If you need to adhere the phone books together by their covers then strong craft glue is in order. This may also come in handy when you have to glue separate pages together as needed for other projects. Either way, options galore.
Even when you think the Yellow Pages or phone directories are a waste of time and money, you may want to look into all the different types of art they can be used for; you will be surprised.
It is true; never judge a book by its cover!

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