Art Worth Supporting
This post brought to you by Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.
The more you engage yourself in a hobby or craft, the better you will get at it. It may even take some studying at times, learning all the tricks of the trade, but that is usually experienced as a pleasant and interesting investment of time and effort.
That is totally contrary to trying to find the best and cheapest drug coverage. Having to wade through and comparing all the available options is a painstaking process, but you can spare yourself all that by becoming a member of the Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens.
I don't know how they do it, but they offer a family membership for as little as $35 a year which covers everyone in your immediate family. This includes spouse, dependents 22 and younger and even pets. Individuals pay only $20 a year.
Besides receiving discount prices on more than 8,000 brand-name and all generic medications, you can reap more benefits such as discounts on flu shots, pet prescriptions, nebulizers and diabetic supplies and receive bonuses when you purchase Walgreens brand products and take advantage of their photofinishing services.
Why not spread the word, stay updated, support, and follow Walgreens on Twitter and do the same by hitting the 'like' button at Walgreens on Facebook? An artistic effort like this, keeping us healthy and well for the lowest price possible, is worth supporting!

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