Twist Tie Art - Materials and Equipment

Where the last is concerned it usually depends on how large, small, or heavy the item is which the tie has to hold together.
You will often find them in 'gangs' when you buy trash bags. A gang is a perforated sheet of twist ties which are already pre-cut in length, but you can also buy twist ties on large spools, or bundles of ties in different lengths.
They can be found in nurseries, hardware stores and online and they are relatively cheap. The last will give you many more options when it comes to color and size, but you can also save up the twist ties from the packaged food products you use on a daily basis.
Besides being cheap, you are already in the possession of all the equipment needed for creating art with twist ties: your hands.
Imagination and/or the know-how may be a little harder to come by, but there are plenty of ideas, examples, workshops, and instruction books available, of which a lot can be found on the Internet as well.
Yes, it is a good hobby for the kids as well and gives them the opportunity to twist something else around their little finger than you! Grin.

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