An Artistic, Security Solution
This post brought to you by LifeLock Twitter. All opinions are 100% mine.
Suppose you have established a good name for yourself as a famous artist and all of a sudden your identity is stolen. This would be devastating, because your bank account is plundered and you end up with huge credit card debt and a ruined credit score.
This can happen to anyone anytime and it is therefore essential having protection against that. Lifelock is today's world's leader concerning identity theft protection and information, providing its customers with top of the line identity theft protection through a suite of services backed by state-of-the-art technology and provides information on all aspects of identity theft and threats.
I am grateful we and those we know have not fallen victim to identity theft. Not yet that is, because we haven't really looked at how secure and safe we really are.
It is shocking finding out that it takes a professional hacker only .000224 seconds to breach a password consisting of 6 characters without a symbol, but it would take that same hacker 20 days where it concerns a password with 10 characters and one symbol.
That upsets our apple cart and maybe yours too. How hack-friendly is your password? Is your online banking, personal information and overall privacy up for grabs? Do you feel protected against identity theft?
When you realize that households earning $100k + per year have the highest identity fraud rate at 7.4%, that the average cost per person of having identities stolen is $1,513, that 11.6 million adults were victims of identity fraud in 2011 and a total of $18 billion was lost, do you still feel safe and secure?
How about knowing that 6.6% of victims are smart phone owners, 6.8% are social media users who click on the applications, 8.2% are social media users who have 'checked in' using their smart phone GPS, and 10.1% are LinkedIn users?
No one wants to end up with a huge debt, having to sell their home and their credit being ruined. It is very important to protect you and your family against that and the services of Lifelock will ensure you are.
For more information, hints and tips, follow LifeLock on Twitter and let me know your thoughts and/or experiences on the necessity of Lifelock's identity protection by leaving a comment on this post. Thanks in advance!

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